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Create an extendable HealthBar class with Phaser 3

Healtbar class in Phaser

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Welcome back to new tutorial everyone, in this post I will create an extendable Healthbar class that you can use for all of your character. Like enemy, player, boss etc. I have used this same version of healthbar class for implementing gotchi, enemy, turkey, gmls health in Aavegotchi Arena

Healtbar class in Phaser

The HealthBar class

class HealthBar extends Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics {
  constructor(scene, x, y, max = 1000) {
    this.bar = this; // the Graphics object
    this.x = x; // X coordinate of the healthbar
    this.y = y; // Y coordinate of the healthbar
    this.value = max; // current healthbar value (initialize with max value)
    this.percentage = 238 / max; // get the percentage
    this.maxHP = max; // set max healthbar
    this.draw(); // draw the healthbar
    this.setDepth(1); // set depth so it is always on top
    scene.add.existing(this); // add to the scene

  draw() {
    this.bar.clear(); // clear the graphics
    this.percentage = 238 / this.maxHP;
    // background
    this.bar.fillStyle(0xa3a3a3); // grey
    this.bar.fillRoundedRect(this.x, this.y, 240, 16, 2);
    // border
    this.bar.lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 1);
    this.bar.strokeRoundedRect(this.x, this.y, 240, 16, 2);
    // health color
    this.bar.fillStyle(0x74e291); // green

    const dx = Math.floor(this.percentage * this.value);
    this.bar.fillRoundedRect(this.x + 2, this.y + 2, dx, 12, 2);

  // apply damage and get current health value
  getDamage(amount) {
    this.value = amount;

    if (this.value < 0) {
      this.value = 0;

    return this.value === 0;

  // return current health value
  getCurrentHealth() {
    return this.value;

instantiate the class from create method

function create() {
  // instantiate healthbar object with spawn position and max health
  const healthBar = new HealthBar(this, 100, 100, 1000);
  // apply damage for testing